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Fashion Drawings



Updated: Mar 22

In fast moving fashion world only constant is change. With technological advancements we can see some major changes in upcoming years. Some of the expected changes in fashion industry in 2040 are given below-

Genderless Fashion- As we observe now the boundaries between men's and women's clothing. In future there are possibility of replacing gendered clothing with non - binary clothing.

Health-Monitoring Apparel- There is possibility of fashion and technology will come up with the clothing that can predict health conditions like cancer, revolutionizing fashion and healthcare.

Virtual Shopping Experiences: With advancement in augmented reality , trying on clothes virtually will become so life like that it will replace physical shopping.

Instant Fashion:

Fast fashion, characterized by its rapid turnover of trends and mass production, may soon become a relic of the past. Generative manufacturing and 3D printing technologies will enable consumers to design and print their own unique garments on demand, cutting out the need for retailers and making fashion truly instant.

Personalized Advertising:

The days of generic fashion ads are numbered, thanks to the power of artificial intelligence. AI-driven advertising will serve up personalized promos tailored to our preferences, ensuring that we only see products that align with our tastes and budgets.

Digital Stylists for All:

. In the future, everyone will have access to a digital stylist armed with data about our personal preferences, sizes, and upcoming events. These digital stylists will curate our wardrobes and even negotiate deals on our behalf, making fashion more accessible and efficient than ever before.

Sustainable Textiles: With advancement intechnology, fashion industry is embracing sustainable materials. Biofabric and bioplastic is new groundbreaking approach in sustainability. Companies like Bolt Threads are using spider silk, which is grown in laboratory from genetically modified organisms.

In conclusion, the future of fashion is bright with possibilities, driven by the convergence of technology, sustainability, and personalization. As we embrace these innovations, we can look forward to a fashion landscape that is more inclusive, sustainable, and exciting than ever before.


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In recent few years AI has sparked a debate about its role in the fashion industry. From Ai created designs to personalized try on experience, AI is both exciting and controversial.

I have seen concern around possibilty of design roles being replaced by AI. But I feel that is not possible .AI may create automated designs but hen it could compromise creativity and individuality. AI created designs at one point could result in homogenized aesthetic. Whereas on the other side human made designs showcases uniqueness from their personal experience .

I strongly believe AI should be seen as a complementary tool rather than a replacement. AI's capabilities could complement human creativity in pushing creative boundaries and efficiency. Using AI as a collaborative tool could be helpful in doing repetitive task , predicting trends, analyzing market, reduce risk of making designs that don't sell.

How will AI affect other jobs?

1-Manual Pattern Making- I believe repetitive pattern making in future will be completely taken over by AI.

2-Data Analyst and Trend Forecasting- AI algorithms can analyze datasets from social meida, fashion shows, and sales and use them to analyze and predict future trends and customer preferences more accurately.

3- Basic Designing- Basic repetitive designing task or could be automated by AI in the future.

4- Retail Sales Associate: With increase in e-commerce and virtual shopping experiences, the demand for in-store sales associates may decline.

5- Fashion Photographer: While photography will still be essential in fashion, but due to advancements in AI and virtual photography may reduce the need for traditional fashion photographers.

6- Fashion Buyer: AI-driven algorithms and data analytics may streamline the buying process, reducing the need for traditional fashion buyers.

7-Fashion Model Agent: With the emergence of virtual models and digital influencers, the role of traditional model agents may evolve or diminish.

What will be the new jobs opportunities that AI will create

1-Virtual Fashion Designer: This job role will revolve around designing digital garments and accessories for virtual environments and augmented reality experiences.

2- Fashion AI Specialist: Developing AI algorithms for personalized styling recommendations, virtual try-ons, and predictive modeling.

3- AI Ethicists and Specialists- With the increased use of AI in fashion, there will be a growing demand for professionals who can ensure ethical and responsible use of AI technologies, addressing concerns such as bias, privacy, and transparency.

4- Virtual Stylists and Personal Shoppers- With the rise of virtual try-on experiences and personalized recommendations powered by AI, there will be opportunities for individuals to work as virtual stylists or personal shoppers, providing personalized fashion advice and assistance to online shoppers.

5. Sustainability Analysts -As sustainability becomes increasingly important in the fashion industry, there will be a growing demand for professionals who can analyze and assess the environmental impact of AI technologies and develop strategies for sustainable AI implementation.

Overall, while AI may takeover certain roles in the fashion industry, but it will also open up new possibilities and create opportunities for innovation and specialization. Adaptability and a willingness to embrace new technologies will be essential for professionals navigating the evolving landscape of fashion and AI.


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To secure a good job it is necessary to have a clear understanding of what is expected of us. Especially, as an international student who may be unfamiliar with the certain aspects of the workculture in the country.

Throughout the lectures,  Chris Slesser , Katie Greenyer provided valuable insights into industry expectations.

Chris talked about the skills requirement in 2023 and 2025, emphasizing their inclusions on CVs.

Katie gave important tips for C.V and Interview.

Especially, during employability week Jo Jackson introduced us to some useful apps we like Prospects, which I used to gather further information about the job skill requirement. Self - promotion and confidence, proactive approach, ability to generate ideas and concepts were some of the skills that were highlighted .

To expand my knowledge I tried to take full advantage of the opportunities provided in 'Myemployability' . I got myself registered for all the events which I felt were relevant to me and attended them.

My aim was to combine and organize all the gathered information to create new CV using CV builder in Myemployability.

In addition to strong CV and performing well in Interviews, there are other factors that can make difference.

-Always remember to send over your CV in a format which does not take longer to download for the employer. While sending over email always remember to send a good body of text and use it as opportunity to talk about brand and why would you love to work with them.

-Network and try to reach out people including recruiters, for potential opportunities.

-Always show willingness to learn.

-Be honest and yourself. Always remember to make a point that why do you deserve that job.

I am looking forward to take help of all the above things to make my job application successful.


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